Motivational Karma Captions & Quotes For Instagram In English


Motivational Karma Captions & Quotes For Instagram In English
Motivational Karma Captions & Quotes For Instagram In English

Friends, karma has great importance in our religion. Friends, in today's post we have brought a very motivational post of karma captions, karma quotes for all of you, which will motivate you to do good deeds in life.

Friends, do you believe in karma? If you believe that we get the life according to the actions we do. So you must read our karma captions for Instagram and also share them on your social media accounts.

Friends, karma is a very important basis of our life. Whatever we achieve, whatever we get, is the result of our actions. Friends, the actions done by us determine our present and our future.

Friends, karma says that whatever you do, whatever you do, you get its results. If you do good deeds, you will get good results, if you do bad deeds, you will get bad results.

Friends, karma says that we reap what we sow. Our good deeds make our life happy and successful.

Then friends, let's start reading these karma instagram captions.

Karma bio for Instagram Stylish Font

Karma called, I answered..
Nice try, karma..
When karma serves chaos for breakfast..
Dodging karma like a boss..
I told karma to take a seat. It took the throne..
Karma’s favorite sport: plot twists..
When karma flips the script, I improvise..
Karma said, ‘Jump,’ I asked, ‘How high?
When karma flips the coin, I catch it mid-air...
I believe in the power of karma.
Life is too short to hold onto negativity.
I strive to be the best version of myself every day.

Karma bio for Instagram in English

You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will.
Don’t try to play with other people around you. For you may never know that they play better than you.
The Karma you get when you screw over a good woman is the bitch you end up with!
Why does it seem karma bites are so small in comparison?
I’m a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.
Treating others with kindness and respect is the ultimate karma.
“Karma is not just about the troubles, but also about surmounting them.” – Rick Springfield
“Karma bides its time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback.” – Benjamin Bayani
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” – Confucius
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” – Wayne Dyer
“If karma doesn’t catch up, God will surely pick up the slack.” – Anthony Liccione

Short karma quotes

“As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma.” – Sri Guru Granth Sahib
“I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back.” – Megan Fox
The energy you put out into the world will come back to you.
What to say about karma she’s either a bad girl or a seraph and mine is a total dangerous.
Treat people the way you want to be treated. Karma’s only a bitch if you are!

Karma quotes about life

I’m an even bigger bitch than Karma, and you’ve been warned!
If you sow seeds of dishonor, unfaithfulness, dishonesty today you will reap the same tomorrow.
If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good.
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer
“You cannot control the results, only your actions.” – Allan Lokos
“Is Fate getting what you deserve, or deserving what you get?” – Jodi Picoult
“Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.” – Sakyong Mipham
“A boomerang returns back to the person that throws it.” – Vera Nazarian

Karma captions for Instagram for boy

“Karma has no deadline.”
“My karma just ran over your dogma.”
“I’m a firm believer in karma. Bad karma, that is.”
“I’m a walking example of what happens when you give someone the finger.”
 “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence.”
“Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.”
 “I’m human. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. But I’m trying, I’m trying really hard to be better.”
“Every rose has its thorn.”
“What goes around, comes around.”
“I’m a firm believer in karma.”
“I think people should be really careful with how they treat others because karma is real.”
“I think that what goes around comes around, so you should be careful with your actions.”

Karma bio for Instagram with emoji

“Karma: the universal accountant that keeps track of our deeds.”
“Your actions today shape the karma of tomorrow.”
“Trust in karma’s timing; it knows when to deliver.”
“Karma teaches us that what goes around comes around.”
“Be mindful of your actions, for karma is always watching.”
“Choose kindness, for karma rewards those who spread love.”
“Karma has a way of finding its way back to you, so be good.”
“In the game of life, karma is the ultimate referee.”
“Let your karma speak louder than your words.”

Short karma captions for Instagram

“Don’t worry, karma will take care of everything.”
“You reap what you sow.”
 “What goes around, comes around.”
 “Everything happens for a reason.”
 “Bad stuff happens to bad people.”
“Karma is an eye for an eye.”
“Karma always comes back around.”
“Keep your head up, and your chin up.”
“Life is what you make it, and sometimes karma kicks our ass.”
“Sometimes the best revenge is living life to the fullest.”
“You cannot control the results, only your actions.” ― Allan Lokos, 
Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living

Karma quotes for bad person

“In the long run, every man will pay the penalty for his own misdeeds. The man who remembers this will be angry with no one, indignant with no one, revile no one, blame no one, offend no one, hate no one.” ― Epictetus
“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap.” — Zig Ziglar, Better Than Good: Creating A Life You Can't Wait to Live
“When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it’s because of karma, some past connection.” — Richard Gere
“Everything happens for your highest good.”
Every decision has an opportunity cost.
The universe owes me one.

Karma quotes relationships

“In the long run, every man will pay the penalty for his own misdeeds. The man who remembers this will be angry with no one, indignant with no one, revile no one, blame no one, offend no one, hate no one.” ― Epictetus
 “Karma has a surprising way of taking care of situations. All you have to do is to sit back and watch.” — Unknown
 “Each individual is solely responsible for his or her own actions, and every action will produce a reaction equal in every way to the suit of the action.” — Stephen Arroyo
 “Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish. It shows no favoritism because we all have to earn all that we receive. Karma doesn’t predestine anything. We create our own causes and Karma adjusts the effects with perfect balance.” — Mary T. Browne
“Every act is done, no matter how insignificant, will eventually return to the doer with equal impact. Good will be returned with good; evil with evil.” — Nishan Panwar

Believe in karma quotes

 “What you hate, you re-create; and what you bless, you put to rest.” ― Eric Micha'el Leventhal
 “The universe does not carry debts, it always returns back to you what you gave it.” ― Drishti Bablani
 “Every moment of your life, you perform an action—physically, mentally, emotionally, and energy-wise. Each action creates a certain memory. That is karma.” — Sadhguru
“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap.” — Zig Ziglar, Better Than Good: Creating A Life You Can't Wait to Live
Just because I’m good at taking the easy road doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.
 Better to give than receive, right?
“Be kind, be thoughtful, be sincere. These are the things that karma will remember.”
“The only thing that matters, in the end, is what kind of karma you create.”
“It’s not about what you believe in, it’s about what you do that matters.”

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